Sunday, April 8, 2012

“Fun Title Here”

So a little update on life.

I miss my kids. A LOT. And now that Colonia is over and Refuerzo has yet to start again, I am definitely on kid withdrawal. Yes, I get a little here and there with neighbors and I was able to go to Semillas de Mostaza (one of RdC's afterschool programs in Duran) for the first time with our last retreat group, but it isn't the same. I have also now learned that Refuerzo will likely be moving locations from the Via Daule (an hour bus ride away) to Mt. Sinai. *expected excitement here* I am absolutely excited for work being closer (yay less travel time!) and having a program like this nearby so that kids from my neighborhood can actually go. But part of me wishes they would wait until August. Haha. *insert selfishness here* If we move, and it really looks like we will, it is going to be an entirely new group of kids - who I am sure will be wonderful and I am excited to get to know - but I have been waiting since January to be with “my” kids give them huge hugs and talk about their vacation and help them with eventually say our last goodbye. On top of my own selfish thoughts and wants, those great kids who I worked with for 5+ months, who need Refuerzo, will no longer have that haven every afternoon and I have a hard time justifying that to myself. I know the Salesian Project works to reach the poorest of the poor and the rationale is that all the kids who go to Refuerzo at the current location can afford bus fare so we should be striving to be located in a neighborhood of great need where those who cannot afford to pay for a bus can attend, but those other kids are still in need and we are abandoning them. Okay, 'abandon' is a really strong word as my boss, Jefferson, does social work with a lot of them outside of Refuerzo, which I believe will continue, but nonetheless it is how I feel. Sooo....Refuerzo is supposed to start with the new school year (April 16th – pushed back a week by the government due to the intensity of this rainy season) and we are still waiting to get the final decision from the “big boss”. I'll update when I know more!

Que mas? Well, we've had more retreat groups come and go :) St. John's Prep and Walsh Jesuit High Schools here in Mount Sinai and St. John's HS, Villanova, Fordham and Jesuit HS in Duran. I am continually blown away by the awesome people who come devote a week to experiencing our lives here, loving on our neighbors and friends, learning about the Ecuadorian life and culture and teaching me (and my fellow volunteers) so much. I am continuing to get a lot of life out this job. I love being able to be with the groups, hearing their observations and reflections, seeing kids light up when they see them and just being a witness to what God is doing here. The other huge plus, which I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before but I am just absolutely loving, is all my extra “big community” time! I have truly found 2nd and 3rd homes in AJS and Arbolito. It is so much fun! Each house has a completely different dynamic and it just so cool to be a part of that sometimes.

I refuse to say anything regarding my health as it hardcore jinxed me last let's just say that I have nothing to report....Gracias a Dios.

Feliz Pascua! Happy Easter! Just got done with a beautiful, meaningful Holy Week. Holy Thursday Mass, Stations of the Cross en vivo (started at 6:30am) and Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday, Easter Vigil and finally Easter Mass. Throw in a birthday party for Damien with all the youth group on Saturday and it makes for a wonderful 4 days :)

More than 8 months in! Just over 3 to go and it will fly by so fast :( Prayers for all of us here as we figure out how to live this last 1/3 of our year; for the US office, current applicants and the selection process for our “replacements”; for our neighbors who go through this transition every year and especially for AJS as Rostro closes out its last year there.

You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for all your support, thoughts and prayers.

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