Sunday, April 8, 2012

Feliz Dia Internacional de las Mujeres!

Okay, so I'm a little late. International Women's Day was March 8th. But I wasn't even aware of this wonderful holiday until this year when my housemate, Belen, came home from her Pastoral work at Hogar de Cristo talking about it, and I needed time to write this, so give me a break ;)
It is a day to recognize and reflect on other past and current struggles we women face as we strive for equality, our rights, and better lives for ourselves and our families. I was happily surprised that such a celebration was so widespread in a country that continues to suffer within a machismo culture. Nevertheless, throughout the day I received many hugs, kisses and “Feliz Dia!”s. Many people do not have the means to buy the women in their life something, but instead expressed their appreciation and gratitude for all they do and maybe even took over cleaning or cooking for the day.
My fellow volunteers and Sister Annie at Damien House surprised the female patients with a paseo to the mall to celebrate the day and the amazing, strong women they are. When a recent retreat group (shout out to Fordham U!) visited Padre Damien, they asked the female patients to give 3 words to describe an Ecuadorian woman. There was some variance but every single one said, “Luchador”. Fighter. This doesn't mean you should expect the next Heavyweight Boxing Champion to be an Ecuadorian woman (Although I wouldn't be surprised. They are feisty!), but instead that they fight, every day, to put food on the table, to keep a clean comfortable home, and to create a life worth living for their families. It was interesting, listening to these unbelievable women listing everything they fight against and everyone they fight for and not one mentioned her self. Reminds me of a lot of women I know back home.
Let's not forget the best part of this day, the driving force behind my XX chromosome counterparts and the real reason to celebrate: HOPE. Hope in realizing how far we have come and therefore how much further we can go. Hope in every battle we fight, that it is leading to a time where they no longer exist. Hope for more love, more life, and more peace. Hope for un mundo mejor. (A better world)

So go love on the women in your life. If not for Women's Day, then just because they deserve it <3

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