Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last Post from the Good Ole US of A

Howdy everyone!

So I just spent the last 2.5 days in silence so, if you can, picture me writing this blog but speaking it out loud. Because that's what I'm doing. Haha.

Well the past week has been so awesome and crazy as we busily prepare, squeezing in whatever we can before we head off tomorrow (eek!). We covered some more logistical things and self-care, and even had an entire day devoted to teaching. This is totally understandable as most of the JVs will be in teaching positions and a lot of RdC will be as well. And if you aren't in an actual classroom, you'll be trying to manage 50-100 kids in an afterschool program :) So the day was well spent. I'm starting to wonder if God is calling me to teach in Ecuador...we'll see where this goes.

So us leaving is getting more and more real by the day and I'm getting excited to really see what our community will be like. We got a little taste when we met to go over "real life situations" that could be addressed by Our Way of Life and seeing how everyone viewed the realities of our pillars (Spirituality, Community, Hospitality, Simplicity and Service). It was a good look into how we interact and discuss things. I'm happy to say things went really well and we're all pretty close to being on the same page! Definitely relieved because if we weren't in a good place -in the States, well rested, in A/C and with fake scenarios- it could be scary to think how it would go in-country. But luckily we passed with flying colors! Haha.

I've been really starting to miss home and everyone in the 208. Shout out! Love you all. Don't forget to update me on your lives as I'm trying to do the same for you with mine!

Oh, so my days of Silence. We ended Orientation with a Silent Retreat at a retreat center in Holliston, MA. It wsa rather luxurious, rooms all to ourselves including a bathroom, 2 twin beds, a desk AND a balconey! We were encouraged to use the time to rest, read, journal, reflect, process, whatever we needed. I will admit that I was dreading it but it ended up being really great. (Although meal times, with everyone together - remember the characters I showed you before - were kinda difficult and filled wtih laughter). I enjoyed my time to sleep, talk with God and just try to let my body and mind absorb the last 2 weeks. We also had Spiritual Directors, which I had never experienced before. I think it was a nice benefit and it gave me things to think about :)

But now we are back at Boston College, finishing up our last day. They are having a few last sessions and a Commissioning Mass for us. Then all that is left is to pack and hang out for one more night. I doubt I'll be sleeping much...I am excited to finally start this journey, but sad about the people and relationships I'll be leaving behind. I am really hoping we'll all write one another.

So I have no idea of my flight plan for tomorrow...just that it will be Boston-Miami-Guayaquil. Tomorrow I will be in Ecuador. Wish me luck and pray for strength! Also keep the JVs headed to Belize and Micronesia in your prayers, they leave tomorrow as well.

Paz y Amor.

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